


The Library offers a photocopier use for patrons at a cost of 10 cents per page for the Sharp copier while the Toshiba is 25 cents for b/w and color is 50 cents. If it is homework then it is five pages free and the appropriate charges after that. Free homework pages only refer to the black and white copies.


As for the printers, they are 25 cents from the HP. The Toshiba is 25 cents for b/w and 50 cents for color copies. If the patron provides their own paper the same charges apply. The Library may refuse such copying if the staff feels that the request violates copyright laws.

Fax Machine

A Fax machine is available for public us. The cost is $1.00 per page to send or receive. The Library does NOT charge for cover letters.

Microfilm Readers

Microfilm readers are free to use, help will be provided if a patron is unfamiliar with the equipment. Photocopying charges are 25 cents per page.


The computers can be used for games, word processing, research and Internet. Programs and games are available upon request. See attached Internet Policy


A scanner is also available for the patrons. Photocopy charges apply if printing is done.


A laminator is also available. The charges are $1.00 per 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper.

Die Cut Machine

Has a number of cartridges available.

LCD Projector Rental

A rental fee of $25 for use of LCD Projector must be paid in advance. Additionally, a deposit of $250 may also be required to cover damages incurred while using the equipment. The deposit, if collected, will be refunded if the equipment is returned without damage.

Hot Spots

The library has 2 Verizon Hot Spots available for check out. The loan period is 2 weeks.